
his heart
his hand
his voice

Grey Stone Church’s mission is to make disciples of all peoples through the Great Commission (found in Matthew 28:18-20). As followers of Jesus, we are all a part of this task and are to be His witnesses. Jesus has commissioned us to be His heart, His hands, and His voice. Through prayer, giving and going, we strive to make a difference with opportunities to serve others with our skills, training, and acts of kindness to share Jesus Christ.

To give to any of these mission efforts go to: greystonechurch.com/give

Please select or designate the ministry project in the memo line. 

Thank you for supporting our mission efforts.

Will you pray, will you give, will you go?

will you pray, will you give, will you go?

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

acts 1:8

grey stone's global mission project & partners


ZIMBABWE:  This year a new team will be working in Zimbabwe, Africa near the city of Harare. Our goal is to establish a partnership with a local church, provide discipleship, women’s ministry, and children’s Bible study resources for the villages and local communities. We will be on location working in a rural setting, providing a holiday Bible school and L.I.F.E. Conference.

ZAMBIA:  Grey Stone teams also travel to a location in Zambia, Africa. We work on location in the “bush country” working with the Mawawa people in the Western Province and in the city of Mongu. We will be working with local missionary Austin Maseka to organize a L.I.F.E. Conference for the villages and communities.

UGANDA:  Grey Stone provides scholarships through IMB to the Uganda Baptist Seminary which was founded in 1988 to train church leaders in East Africa to be excellent ministers of Christ. More than 1,000 have graduated from UBS. The seminary serves not only the churches of Uganda but also those of surrounding neighbors: Kenya, South Sudan, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania.

GUINEA:  We financially support the ongoing work of a Bible Translation in Sarwat for the people of Guinea to be able to read the Scriptures in their local language.

Grow Disciples

Growth happens through being a part of a Gospel-centered community. While sharing life in this Haven community, we are connected to Biblical teaching, authentic worship, individual & group study, servant evangelism, missions, and more.


Since 2013, we have sent teams to locations in Asia to establish a relationship with on-site IMB Missionaries and prospective avenues for future work with UUPG’s (Un-engaged Unreached People Groups). Our current partnerships in Asia include…

BORNEO, MALAYSIA:  We work to engage the local convention and work with them and find four UUPGs through local churches in sharing the gospel with every tribe and ethnic group in their area.  Our teams work alongside IMB Missionaries and local believers to provide Theological Education for our more rural workers; Children’s camps; Family camps; Vacation Bible school; Construction projects; Water purification projects; and Campus ministry. As an example, whole villages live in what is called a “longhouse” and we have provided engineering and architect professionals to assist with fire safety in these longhouse villages.

VIETNAM:  Through the Light for Ho Chi Min City (formerly known as Saigon) Project, we provide New Testaments and Evangelistic materials for this city of 8.9 million people, as well as prayer support for the unreached in this metropolitan city.

ETERNAL PEACE MEDICAL CLINIC:  Our Financial partnership promotes biblical teaching, preaching, and healing at a primary care clinic in Asia to reach spiritually dry, communities. By establishing a primary care clinic (Asia’s version of “doc in a box”), pastors, health professionals, and laypeople plan to reach many farming villages through holistic ministry in an undisclosed location in Asia.

"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”


Equip Missionaries

We realize that many within our community are here for just a season of life. Whether going off to school, graduating, re-locating for a new job, or another opportunity, we recognize the need to equip people to be missionaries wherever they go. The goal is not for Haven to be a closed chapter in someone’s life, but an ongoing part of their story!

"From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us."

ACTS 17:26-27

MISSION: boston

Grey Stone believes church planting is one of the most effective ways to spread the gospel of Christ. Grey Stone has planted many churches and most recently we are focused on the strategic city initiative with the North American Mission Board.  

We are helping to plant churches in some of the most strategic cities in America. Presently, we are helping to plant a church in Boston. There are opportunities to go to Boston on short term mission trips as we support Victor Moura, the church planter, and the work at Grace Church.


Central America and Caribbean (C&C): Since 2008, Grey Stone has been sending teams to spread the gospel to Haiti with ministries in Port-au-Prince. Our teams have provided construction for three church plants, medical outreach, ministered to the orphans, led a teacher-academy at a school, trained local pastors, encouraged the missionaries at the orphanage, & worked in the community through evangelism efforts and compassion projects. We also have a rotating student project in Belize.

PANAMA: In 2023 we established a 3-year partnership in Panama City, Panama working with local IMB personnel in church planting, evangelism projects and on a university campus through English-speaking engagement opportunities.

PUERTO RICO: For several years, our students experience a "overseas mission trip" in Puerto Rico. Teams serving have the opportunity to make an impact on people's lives with our partners: SEND-Relief and Deep Impact. Our students provide services such as Kids Bible Camp , Light- Construction, and other projects; all with the opportunity to build relationships, pray for, and minister to the community in Juana Diaz.

IMB’s target in 2025 is to engage many Global Cities with comprehensive strategies so that every person in these cities will have access to the gospel. Our Global Cities Emphasis offers an unprecedented opportunity to impact people living in the largest and most influential cities on the continent of South America (TBD).

Equip Missionaries

We realize that many within our community are here for just a season of life. Whether going off to school, graduating, re-locating for a new job, or another opportunity, we recognize the need to equip people to be missionaries wherever they go. The goal is not for Haven to be a closed chapter in someone’s life, but an ongoing part of their story!

"From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us."

ACTS 17:26-27

mission: europe

Grey Stone will send a 10-member medical mission team to the Roma Gypsies in Romania (a minority group on the edge of society in deep poverty). They will work with Hungarian Christians and an American missionary. This is a partnership with the NC Baptists on Mission.

FRANCE:  Team E-France works alongside local partners in Strasbourg, France to support, model, and multiply church-planting work. We are in the process of launching a planting team in the most populated neighborhood of the city (45,000 residents and only 1 current evangelical church). At the same time, we’re helping with a church-planting training program and partnering with other local efforts to invite interns, students, and those interested throughout France to come and gain life experience in the work of evangelism, discipleship, and church-planting.

UKRAINE:  We assist Baptists On Mission with scheduled teams currently serving Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) living in Western Ukraine. Projects include medical clinics and construction on a building to be used for feeding, medical clinics, and a church plant in Western Ukraine. Teams currently serve in the surrounding countries due to the war.

FUTURE PROJECTS:  The world is coming to Europe. God has provided a partnership with a staff, team, and facility in three Major European cities: Madrid, Spain; Frankfurt, Germany, and London, UK. We will resource IMB personnel and local pastors in training local believers in leadership and simple evangelistic methods to share the gospel with people from their own culture and language group living in each city. Training methods focus on the simple teachings of Jesus so people can immediately train others to go out and are embodied in Training for Trainers (T4T) which has been extremely effective and adapted to the western context.  

Equip Missionaries

We realize that many within our community are here for just a season of life. Whether going off to school, graduating, re-locating for a new job, or another opportunity, we recognize the need to equip people to be missionaries wherever they go. The goal is not for Haven to be a closed chapter in someone’s life, but an ongoing part of their story!

"From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us."

ACTS 17:26-27

mission: usa

We have two ongoing projects in the United States: Disaster Relief and New York Graffiti. We work to provide relief from suffering caused by disasters by providing services, care and assistance. We work with various disaster organizations to achieve this goal.

We are also partnered with Graffiti Church which is located on the lower east side of NYC. Annually, we collect and deliver school supplies as well as used coats for the Graffiti Kids After School program. This allows us to provide a low-cost, Christ-centered after school option for the community.

durham nc: 2nd mile
Wednesdays: doors open @ 7am
Call  919.286.3596 to hear a detailed message  for more information.
please note: A Photo ID is required for all assistance.
If financial assistance is needed  a copy of the outstanding bill is also required.

2nd mile

RAMP MINISTRY & DISASTER RELIEF:  We work to provide relief from suffering caused by disasters by providing services, care and assistance. We work with various disaster organizations  such as Baptists on Mission, Baptist Aging Ministry, & Samaritan’s Purse to achieve this goal. Local Durham residents can also request a handicap ramp with our team. For an assessment, Contact Pastor Randall

DEEP IMPACT:  Our students in grades 6-12 have the opportunity to experience missions in a camp atmosphere. Currently, we have served in Red Springs, Fort Caswell, Boone, and even in Puerto Rico and Belize. Contact Pastor Kyle Caddell for more information.

Deep Impact Logo at Grey Stone Church

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD:  Grey Stone serves as a Shoebox Collection HUB for the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area. Last year we collected 14,000 shoeboxes. 2023 Collection week is November 13-20, 2023. The mission of OCC is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world.. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations. For more info Click Here

Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child Logo at Grey Stone Church

BACKPACKS OF BLESSINGS:  Grey Stone assists a local Durham high school for students who do not have enough food by providing breakfasts for 30 students each month.

randall floyd

Education Pastor

Instead of traveling for a vacation, why not go make a difference? We want to share the love of Christ tangibly and verbally throughout the entire world.  Our goal is to send one team to every continent every year. The strategy we use to accomplish this is found in Acts 1:8: You shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem (Durham); Judea (North Carolina), Samaria (Places we are uncomfortable going), and to the ends of the earth (Internationally).


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Durham, NC 27705

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(M-F 8am - 5pm)

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